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Aug 30 2012
Data Center

How States Are Saving Big Bucks with Smart Technology [Infographic]

Local governments stand to make better use of their budgets with technology.

Technology in government starts to get really cool when states start saving money . . . lots of money. An enterprise e-mail solution is set to save Florida $15 million. But that’s pennies compared to the $280 million Missouri has saved over four years by using electronic health records and health services. Even if your local government isn’t saving millions of dollars, you can still offer citizens better services at a lower cost. Riverside, Calif., launched a 311 mobile application so that citizens could report graffiti and potholes. They collected $150,000 from fines and cleaned up their city.

Check out the infographic below to see how states are leveraging computer power and crowdsourcing to make better use of their budgets.

How governments are saving money with technology

This infographic originally appeared on