Top 10 StateTech Stories of 2011

Looking back on the year that was, here are the 10 most popular stories from StateTech in 2011.

What a year it’s been for state and local governments. As we prepare to ring in 2012, we’re reflecting back on the most popular stories in StateTech. If you missed them the first time, here’s a chance to catch up on the articles that gained the most attention from readers.

1. Go with the Flow

The nation's largest water utility launches an automated meter reading system to boost revenue, eliminate costs and improve customer service.

2. Tablets to the Rescue

Lacey Fire District 3 finds ASUS tablet computers offer a cost-effective alternative to rugged notebooks.

3. Networking Insurance Policy

Investments in networking, server and storage systems and a focus on continuity of operations can pay big dividends for state and local governments.

4. Successful Server Virtualization

Ohio offers tips for defining the opportunity and implementing the initiative.

5. 5 Tips for Deploying Tablets

Heed this advice to ease implementation and gain the greatest benefit from these devices.

6. Keep Out: Private Property

State and local government agencies rely on vulnerability assessments and data loss prevention technology to counter security threats.

7. Mac of All Trades

iPads, iPhones, and the need for performance and security boost Apple popularity in state and local government.

8. Recovery Efforts

IT leaders from Linn County, Iowa, and other localities share their advice for bouncing back from a disaster.

9. Battle of the Tablets

With a flood of options hitting the market, now's the time to prep your apps and network.

10. Q&A with Carlos Ramos

StateTech magazine talks with California Technology Agency Secretary Carlos Ramos about the agency’s IT goals and challenges.