The Importance of Humanizing Big Data [#Infographic]

Your employees may have trouble keeping up with big data. Here’s how to fix that.

Is big data accessible to your employees?

Seventy-seven percent of employees don’t think so. They say they need access to data to make informed decisions. Why aren’t they getting it? According to this infographic by Alteryx, the problem lies in the limited access to data and the inability to interpret it.

When managed and analyzed, big data can be significant to your employees’ productivity and knowledge. Thankfully, 53 percent of businesses are planning to invest more in big data analytics in the next few years.

Data presents more than just technical challenges. Employees need to be skilled in order to access and analyze big data in a secure manner, says Harvard Business Review.

In a new Avanade survey, more than 60 percent of respondents said their employees need to develop new skills to translate big data into insights and business value. Anders Reinhardt, head of Global Business Intelligence for the VELUX Group — an international manufacturer of skylights, solar panels and other roof products based in Denmark — is convinced that "the standard way of training, where we simply explain to business users how to access data and reports, is not enough anymore. Big data is much more demanding on the user."

Read more here.

How will you grant your employees more access to big data analysis?

This infographic originally appeared on Alteryx.