The Most Popular State and Local Technology Posts of 2012

10 stories that caught the attention of the state and local government communities.

Technology was pervasive in 2012. While state and local government offices transitioned from desktop PCs to tablets, more than a few cities were aggressive in their search for superfast Internet service. As New York City moved to a paperless future, social media helped predict state and local elections. It was a busy year, and a few trends emerged that will shape the technology conversations we’ll have in 2013.

Open data was one of the most important state and local issues of the year. Government employees and third-party developers created dozens of apps that leveraged open data to offer services to citizens and make life easier. For example, 311 apps allowed citizens to easily report potholes, graffiti and downed trees with the use of photos and GPS locations. In the wake of the Apple Maps release, public transportation apps, loaded with public data, took center stage. Other apps helped users identify trees in their neighborhoods, allowed hunters to report on game or let skiers watch a live webcam of the slopes.

The importance of technology for local governments cannot be understated; it is becoming an unprecedented platform for civic engagement that will lead to innovations we never thought possible. The past year has been eventful and has set the stage for an exciting 2013.

Here are the top StateTech reads of 2012, based on popularity. Thank you, loyal readers, for a great year!