5 Cybersecurity Areas State and Local IT Should Focus On

In an environment where it seems like no network or bit of data is safe, how should state and local government IT teams prioritize their security strategies? Hear from a panel of experts on what they think state and local governments should focus on right now.

To learn more about the latest threats state and local governments face, check out the others videos from the StateTech Cybersecurity Summit.


<li>Ricardo Lafosse, CISO for Cook County, Ill.</li>
<li>Matthew McCormack, Chief Technical Officer, Global Public Sector for RSA, the Security Division of EMC</li>
<li>August Neverman, CIO &amp; CISO for Brown County, Wisc.</li>
<li>Paul Bivian, CISO for the City of Chicago</li>
<li>Bob Lewinski, Regional Technical Leader, Trend Micro</li>

Video Highlights

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<li>Focus on getting buy-in from senior management by proving operational efficiencies</li>
<li>Provide cybersecurity awareness training and be sure to switch it up regularly</li>
<li>Keeping the IT team engaged is important as is giving them something to own and implement</li>