How to Make Use of Threat Intelligence

Threat intelligence is only worthwhile to an IT or CISO team if it’s actionable. Learn how an agency can tap into tools, even on a shoestring budget, that can take threat data and ensure it provides value to an organization. Security expert Aamir Lakhani offers hands-on tips to help agencies make good use of data security reporting at the StateTech Cybersecurity Summit.

To learn more about the latest threats state and local governments face, check out the others videos from the StateTech Cybersecurity Summit.


<li>Aamir Lakhani, Senior Security Strategist, FortiGuard Labs at Fortinet</li>

Video Highlights

<li>The open-source community actually supplies a lot of ideas and best practices that commercial vendors incorporate into their products.</li>
<li>Malformity and Maltego are two resources that Lakshani relies on for his work.</li>