Understanding Threat Intelligence Through the ‘Pyramid of Pain’

Threat intelligence may seem like the buzz phrase du jour in security circles, but cybersecurity researcher Dr. Chaos explains its value and how to tap into useful data that can inform threat intelligence. ” Security expert Aamir Lakhani uses the “Pyramid of Pain” to explain the layers of intelligence data at the StateTech Cybersecurity Summit.

To learn more about the latest threats state and local governments face, check out the others videos from the StateTech Cybersecurity Summit.


<li>Aamir Lakhani, Senior Security Strategist, FortiGuard Labs at Fortinet</li>

Video Highlights

<li>Most threat-intelligence solutions focus on the bottom level of the period, but those are the areas that are easiest to attack.</li>
<li>Public feeds usually have APIs that can be leveraged for threat intelligence programs</li>