Why Mobile Security Is Top of Mind for Government IT Professionals [#Infographic]

BYOD is popular, but is it safe?

Mobile devices pose new risks to governments that are trying to improve telework and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) programs. Regardless of who owns the device, steps must be taken to ensure the security of government data and networks. For employee-owned devices, most governments will find that mobile device management (MDM) software is the best way to encrypt data, remote wipe devices and filter content. A recent CDW-G reference guide on mobility explored trends and best practices for organizations looking to boost mobile security with MDM solutions:

MDM software resembles network-based client support tools that mass-distribute applications, updates and security patches, except that mobile device managers typically do it wirelessly. The typical MDM package should enable remote provisioning, configuring, securing, locking and wiping devices. It should also provide access to inventory and software licensing information.

The mobile policies previously established by the organization will help narrow down the potential choices of MDM solutions. The organization’s policy, as noted, should specify OSs, applications, usage, security and access. Obviously, the chosen MDM package must expressly support the provisions in that policy.

As noted above, policy, along with technology, has a great impact on the success and security of any mobility program. If users don’t understand what they can and cannot do, and the reasoning behind it, the program is destined to fail.

The infographic below outlines some trends in mobile security and offers several tips for staying safe on your mobile device.

This infographic originally appeared on Veracode.