Governments weigh the benefits of public and private clouds

  In This Issue: Cloud Computing

Governments Migrate to Office 365
IT Managers Weigh Public vs. Private Clouds
Six Client Virtualization Tips
Review: Symantec Endpoint

April 2012  

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Best Practices  

Migrating E-Mail to the Cloud

State and local governments in Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska and Virginia say they save money and run their organizations more efficiently by migrating to Microsoft's Office 365.

Tech Trends  

Governments Take Different Paths to Cloud Security

A county IT manager in Montana says Panda's cloud product makes him more efficient, while New York City's CISO runs cloud traffic over a special instance of the same security tools he uses in the data center.

Tech Tips  

Serving Up Anytime, Anywhere Apps

While IT managers looking to deliver virtual applications over a private cloud can get the job done with their existing networks, they should expect to make infrastructure upgrades over time for more pervasive client virtualization.

Product Review  

Symantec Delivers Endpoint Security in the Cloud

Symantec Endpoint is a hosted security product specifically designed as a cloud service. The product delivers a broad range of features, including antispyware, antivirus, firewall and host intrusion prevention.


Video: @NASCIO:
Looking Cloudward

States make consolidation and standardization top priorities


Reference Guide

Cloud Computing: Download this guide to learn about reducing costs and boosting agility through the cloud.

White Paper

To learn about private clouds and SaaS, download this white paper.

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