In This Issue: Public Safety

NOTEBOOKS: N.J. Firefighters Work with Toughbooks
SECURITY: IP Surveillance Reduces Crime, Criminal Activity
INFRASTRUCTURE: Is Forensics Better Off Going Virtual?
REVIEW: Motorola MC75A 3.5G Enterprise Digital Assistant

February 15, 2011  

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All-Terrain Notebooks
As information turns more digital, public safety officers require more durable hardware to suit their needs

Camden County, N.J., has outfitted its fire department with Panasonic's Toughbook line of notebooks. They're so pleased with the results that they're thinking of doing the same with their ambulances.

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Tech Trends  

Crime-Stopping Cameras
Law enforcement agencies deploy IP surveillance devices to detect incidents and capture evidence

IP network cameras are giving public safety officials more eyes to see with, helping to reduce crime, spot more crimes as they happen and improve evidence gathering.

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Tech Tips  

Investigations & Virtualization
Client virtual machines can help or complicate digital forensics work

Virtualization technology can be the hero or the villain when it comes to digital forensics. Follow these tips to learn how client virtualization affects investigations.

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Product Review  

Motorola Enterprise Digital Assistant
This multipurpose mobile device stands up to abuse in the field

The Motorola MC75A is a versatile device that public safety departments should strongly consider adding to their arsenal. This sturdy digital assistant can handle stormy weather and perform brilliantly in the field.

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Crime-Fighting Collaboration
Integrated technology solutions are the best way forward for public safety

To make the most of public-safety investments, law enforcement agencies should consider better coordination and integration of their technology tools to deliver crossover benefits.

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Tech Trends

360-Degree View: Toughbook Arbitrator 360° helps police trim legal fees and improve law enforcement.

Reference Guide

Mobility: The collaboration and communication advantages of mobile technology


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