Ryan Petersen is Editor in Chief of StateTech.
Dec 09 2009
Data Center

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We hope this content provides useful information to help you make important IT decisions within your agency.

In This Issue

As state and local governments generate ever-increasing volumes of data, they need a place to store and archive this traffic. It's no wonder deployment of storage area networks and network-attached storage is booming. Smart IT leaders are looking to boost utilization and use every nook and cranny of available storage space.

For example, after Skokie, Ill., was socked with major storms last year that flooded part of the village, MIS Director Bryan Gilley realized he needed to improve disaster recovery readiness before a future storm knocked out power or swamped the data center. He recently rolled out SAN and virtualized servers, boosting his confidence in Skokie's continuity of operations capabilities. For more about making the most of your available storage, turn to "Conquering Storage Woes."

One application that requires ample storage is video conferencing recordings. In an effort to boost efficiency and save money, courts such as Louisiana's 24th Judicial District Court are conducting arraignments of citizens in custody using video conferencing equipment. To learn how these agencies benefit from video conferencing, turn to "Courting Video Conferencing."

Editor in Chief, ryanpet@cdw.com

Matthew Gilson

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