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May 01 2014

The State of the Internet, by the Numbers

10 highlights from Akamai’s Internet report.

Distributed denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks increased in the fourth quarter of 2013, according to Akamai’s State of the Internet, Q4 2013 Report. The company’s customers were targeted by 346 DDoS attacks, a 23 percent increase over the previous quarter. The public sector was hit with 81 reported DDoS attacks last year.

Akamai’s Intelligent Platform gathers volumes of data on metrics, such as connection speed, attack traffic and mobile connectivity, to shed light on online trends. The report shows that the field of available IPv4-address space continues to shrink — just under 783 million unique IPv4 addresses connected to the company’s platform in the fourth quarter of 2013, up about 22 million from the previous quarter.

Here are some of the interesting findings:

43% Percentage of observed attack traffic originating from China
19% Percentage of attack traffic originating from United States
37 Number of reported DDoS attacks in the public sector in Q4
30% Volume of attacks targeting Port 445
2.9% Percentage increase in unique IPv4 addresses connecting to the Akamai Intelligent Platform
23.2 Mbps Global average peak connection speed
43.7 Mbps U.S. average peak connection speed
63.8 Mbps Average peak connection speed in Massachusetts
0.6 Mbps–8.9 Mbps Range of average connection speeds on mobile networks
70% Increase in volume of mobile data traffic from Q4 2012 to Q4 2013

Take a look at the highlights in the infographic below, and download the complete report here.

State of the Internet Infographic
