The Town of Cary is launching an IoT Center of Excellence. 

Jan 04 2022

Cary, N.C., to Build IoT Center to Test New Applications

The town is partnering with Semtech and SAS to create an Internet of Things center to pilot new smart city use cases.

Cary, N.C., long a pioneer in deploying smart city technology, is taking a step forward to formalize its position as an exemplar for other towns and cities looking to do the same.

In mid-November, Cary announced plans to partner with semiconductor firm Semtech and data analytics software company SAS to launch an Internet of Things center of excellence.

In a statement, the town and companies said the partnership “will facilitate the development and deployment of edge-to-Cloud Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, solve real world challenges and make Cary the benchmark for other municipalities to replicate.” The goal is to test new IoT applications that can have a clear benefit for residents and be used by other cities and towns.

“This partnership represents an exciting new chapter in our IoT journey,” Cary CIO Nicole Raimundo said in the statement. “We see so much potential for community-focused solutions in this collaboration with Semtech and SAS.”

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Cary Aims to Expand Range of Smart City Applications

“We believe that IoT technology has amazing potential to streamline services, making us more agile and responsive,” Raimundo added in the statement. “It will help us continue to meet citizen needs in surprising new ways, and we’re honored by these companies’ commitment to improving lives through innovation in the government space.”

Cary aims to use the center to develop new IoT solutions powered by SAS and built on Microsoft Azure’s cloud platform. The aim is to deploy applications that provide “real-time insights into data and analytics generated across multiple use cases that help solve specific challenges,” the release notes.

The solutions are expected to incorporate LoRaWAN wireless connectivity, and are expected to initially focus on smart city use cases targeting challenges related to natural disasters, hunger and sustainability. The LoRaWAN specification is a low-power, long-range wide area networking protocol designed to wirelessly connect IoT devices.

Cary has already deployed smart city tools aimed at improving traffic management, keeping track of residents’ water usage and monitoring rising stormwater levels.

“The Center of Excellence will be a leading example of how cities and towns in the U.S. can leverage IoT data and analytics for a smarter, safer planet. In addition, deploying these IoT solutions will create better community services for their residents,” said Alistair Fulton, vice president and general manager of Semtech’s wireless and sensing products group, in the statement.

“IoT is forcing a fundamental shift of business and operational strategies as organizations adopt new models for agile IT, edge analytics and platform-based security,” said Jason Mann, vice president of IoT at SAS, in the statement. “The Town of Cary adopting SAS and Semtech solutions will expand their current services while building a digital infrastructure to better meet the needs of their citizens.”

EXPLORE: How will 5G networks help smart cities?

Photo Courtesy of the Town of Cary

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