Dec 27 2022
Data Center

Intelligent Capture Boosts Today’s Distributed State and Local Workforce

Advanced digitalization fosters collaboration in post-pandemic enterprises.

In the post-pandemic world, the traditional model of work as we know it is gone forever. Today, organizations are faced with a distributed workforce, are printing less, and are replacing paper-intensive processes with a digital and hybrid approach that includes digital and paper documents. 

The government sector, where more than half of employees report working either remotely or in a hybrid setting, is no exception. Digital transformation efforts must address this new workplace dynamic and the need for a more connected and collaborative workforce. One might ask, “How will work now work?”

Scanning technology has been on the market for a long time, but image capture is more relevant today for addressing the need to capture documents as soon as they come into an organization. With advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence changing the capture game, we are ushering in a new era of innovative imaging applications now referred to as intelligent capture, which easily identifies and extracts crucial information without extensive guidance from users.

As digital transformation continues, government agencies must ensure an efficient, smooth-running office of the future. Intelligent capture offers tremendous benefits for a more consistent and automated process in government work. Whether an agency requires networking, cloud or file-sharing capabilities, the right image-scanning solution for agency workflow demands will be paramount for ensuring the security of digitized documents.

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Below are four benefits to consider when defining how work will work within an agency and implementing digitization within a business process and workflow.

Increase Efficiency and Productivity with Intelligent Capture

Employees must demonstrate that they can work efficiently and productively outside of an office. Intelligent capture offers them automation by identifying essential information on documents, allowing them to fulfill their job responsibilities in real time. With intelligent capture in a document scanner, an employee can create a streamlined process by reliably scanning a document correctly the first time and distributing the information promptly. Not having to re-examine multiple versions of the same document frees up employees’ time to focus on their higher-priority tasks

DISCOVER how the role of mobile printers is growing in state and local government. 

Foster Collaboration Within a Distributed Workforce

Without a common working space, agencies must provide shared document repositories for easy access. Employees must update the repository frequently as files are updated in order for everyone to have access to and work simultaneously from the latest versions. That is why it is important to have a scanning device that captures accurate information the first time around. With intelligent capture, documents scan directly to an integrated document management system, making it more efficient and easy to access, thus improving collaboration between team members across offices and time zones. When managers can see the recorded workflow process, they can better keep track of precisely who uses the device and prevent unwanted users from hacking into the system.

Enforce User Permissions and Security Methods

As more devices are connected to the internet, it is important to enforce security measures for government documents, especially in remote office settings. From creating to archiving, document scanners may capture confidential information; therefore, it makes sense to invest in ones with intelligent capture technology to ensure information is not accidentally leaked. Intelligent capture ensures information security by only authorizing employees with registered accounts to use the scanner. Unauthorized users cannot access the scanner’s built-in workflow or scan any documents themselves. This is important with a hybrid workspace, such as an employee’s home office, where nonemployees such as family members can access the device. In addition, intelligent capture’s triple-layer security features only allow documents to be scanned when an authorized user logs in to the scanner; as the device itself is password-protected. 

LEARN ways that digital transformation is changing document management at state motor vehicles departments.

Analyze Effectiveness and Return on Investment

Seeing the captured data and analyzing it can help an agency work efficiently and make informed workflow process decisions. For example, if all scans on a particular machine are only made once by an authorized user or users, leaders can rest assured that intelligent capture strengthens security and boosts productivity for the company. In addition, if records show that each intelligent capture-equipped scanner has scanned a larger volume of documents than previous models and successfully deposits documents across a variety of repositories or workflows, businesses may decide to keep using the model in the future. Through data analysis, leaders can calculate the ROI and effectiveness of intelligent capture as part of their digital transformation efforts. 

Hybrid work is here to stay, and employees and employers alike are craving connectivity, collaboration and productivity. So, as organizations continue their digital transformation journeys, it is clear that investing in intelligent capture technology frees up productivity time, fosters collaboration, and enhances security in business devices both inside and outside the office.

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