Via cloud-based test beds, municipalities leverage applications to tackle challenges from graffiti to parking.
New research from CDW can help you build on your success and take the next step.
Via cloud-based test beds, municipalities leverage applications to tackle challenges from graffiti to parking.
City officials agreed that even simple acts of digital transformation, such as going paperless, require complex coordination.
The city hopes to gain immediate wins and long-term benefits from the energy project.
City managers describe how their agencies alert residents about urban operations.
Intelligent transportation systems and smart mobility pave the way for the future in the capital of Texas.
Data insights can help the city identify potential land use and other changes.
EPR software reduces time and resources by bypassing paper permit applications.
Practical considerations may determine how to network cameras together, depending on their physical location.
Municipalities may not require anything too complicated when it comes to hardware and software for these helpful devices.
The Lone Star State alliance seeks to pool resources and build a smart region.
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