How Can IT Departments Begin to Prepare for Disasters?
Conduct a risk assessment. Begin with an evaluation of potential natural disaster risks specific to the area, such as hurricanes or wildfires. Then, plan for community needs and allocate resources accordingly.
DIVE DEEPER: Is your IT infrastructure hardened against climate risk?
What Are the Elements of a Good IT Recovery Plan?
An IT disaster recovery plan should contain detailed steps for restoring systems, re-establishing connectivity and redeploying resources.
How Should Agencies Ready Staff for IT Preparedness?
Regular training and disaster response drills help employees become familiar with plans and how to enact them quickly and effectively. Training must cover basic cybersecurity, backup and recovery, and emergency tools.
Can the Private Sector and Federal Agencies Help?
Collaboration with tech companies and federal agencies such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Department of Homeland Security can help access additional resources, such as cloud services, cybersecurity assistance and geospatial data tools.
How Can agencies Ensure Plans Are Comprehensive?
Periodic testing of IT systems and disaster response protocols helps to identify potential weaknesses and keep systems and staff prepared.
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