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Sep 13 2024

Application Modernization Is Key to Augmenting Citizen Services for State Government

Officials often advance digital transformation by rehosting apps in the cloud.

State governments too often are stymied by the limitations of their legacy technology, and no where is that more true than with old applications. Application modernization can revolutionize citizen services, and governments can capitalize on the doors opened by application modernization to create a more efficient and effective citizen experience.

In 2022, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers released a report, “Application Modernization Is an Imperative for State Governments,” that identifies improved citizen services as a driver to modernize government applications. It rightly notes that “legacy systems have not had the capacity and capability to meet citizen demand.” As state CIOs look ahead to NASCIO’s 2024 Annual Conference in New Orleans, it is an excellent time for them to reflect on how to accelerate application modernization initiatives in their portfolio.

CDW recently published a white paper, “Accelerating Velocity Through Legacy Application Modernization,” that emphasizes how modernization improves the customer experience. The white paper digs into how DevSecOps processes can empower organizations to modernize applications quickly with the goal of improving the experience of customers.

In another white paper, “Delivering a Modernized Tech Experience for State and Local Government,” CDW makes the case that modernizing applications through the cloud can improve citizen services quickly and at scale. “However, before adopting cloud-based solutions, automation, artificial intelligence and other solutions, governments first need to determine their objectives, assess their environments and chart the best path forward,” the authors recommend.

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Putting the Citizen First

In the forthcoming issue of StateTech, our feature “In with the New” dives into how Oklahoma is leveraging its cloud infrastructure to improve citizen services. The Oklahoma Office of Management and Enterprise Services is building a portal that will provide citizens with access to multiple applications. “Citizens will be able to log in and access their services in one place,” Deputy Director of Data Services Jessica Gateff says.

Oklahoma partnered with Google Cloud to modernize its applications and transform citizen services, but all three of the major public cloud service providers have strengths that make them attractive partners for government applications and workloads. Amazon Web Services, Google, Microsoft and other cloud providers offer opportunities to expand applications with new functionality or to scale them for larger audiences while providing high availability and reliable access.

A third-party partner can help state and local governments navigate their options. CDW leads the pack in application modernization with its Strategic Application Modernization Assessment, a proprietary reporting tool that can give governments insights into how best to accelerate digital transformation. Wherever a state government may be in modernizing its application portfolio, an assessment can inform the next steps in the best path forward.

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