Cybersecurity Summit Draws an Informed Crowd
The MassCyberCenter, which provides cyber resiliency resources for communities, hosted the fourth annual Massachusetts Municipal Cybersecurity Summit on May 8.
While the events in 2021 and 2022 required Zoom breakout rooms for specific topics, the organization’s first face-to-face summit took place in October 2023 at Mechanics Hall in Worcester, Mass. This year’s summit, held in Worcester’s DCU Center, drew an even bigger crowd.
“Originally, we wanted to have this in person; that's the best way to meet and discuss sensitive issues,” Petrozzelli says. “We started with a virtual summit because of the pandemic. Last October, about 170 registrants attended; this year, we had 253. It was a much better turnout than just six months ago.”
Speakers at this year’s summit shared information about cyber hygiene and available cybersecurity programs and funding with approximately 156 municipality and 33 nonprofit organization employees, 22 higher education professionals and 42 state and federal agency attendees.
READ MORE: Massachusetts CIO shares AI insights.
Topics Included Threat Prevention and Response
During the first half of the day, Susan Noyes, director of the state’s Office of Municipal and School Technology, and MassCyberCenter Resiliency Program Manager Meg Speranza spoke about ways to build a mature cybersecurity program using low- and no-cost federal and state resources.