Wearable cameras, evidence analytics software and other devices help give officers a crime-fighting edge.
Survive and Thrive
Disaster Recovery as a Service can make all the difference whenever the unexpected happens.
Streamlined Solution
Infrastructure as a Service helps state and local agencies manage ever-increasing volumes of data.
Power in Numbers
With the right measurement plan in place, you’ll boost security, transparency and executive-level visibility.
High Energy
The new device does more while using less rack space and reducing clutter and cables.
Break the Mold
Although compact in size, this workstation maximizes physical workspace while boosting productivity and improving reliability.
Virtual Reality Check
The benefits of VR for tourism, public safety and more, come to the forefront as local leaders begin to implement the technology.
Tie Up Loose Ends
As employees move to use multiple devices, follow these critical steps to minimize threats to data.
Smart city projects are sweeping through our streets and changing everything from traffic control to waste management.
Always On
Converged or hyperconverged infrastructure takes advantage of virtualization to ensure high availability.
Buckle Up
As vehicles and transit infrastructure become smarter, cities and states need to secure the Internet of Things highway.
Express Connection
Chicago’s Metra and other agencies have overcome connection challenges to enhance the passenger experience.
Above and Beyond
Streaming video, e-books, mobile hotspots and more are giving patrons what they want.
Steer Safely into the Future
With IoT-based cars and roads exposed to hackers, state and local agencies should steer safely onto the IoT highway.
High Impact
NASCIO's Emily Lane details the association's campaign to highlight successes and the larger role of IT in transforming and modernizing state government.
Wrangle Data
As data volume continues to rise at an alarming rate, agencies should do more to transform overwhelming amounts of information from a burden into an asset.
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